Balancing the Freeze
Once you have initiated a freeze, you need to maintain it. But maintaining the freeze requires the perfect balance between your minions and the enemy’s. Too many minions and they will push into your tower, breaking the freeze and doing tower damage. Too little minions and yours will overpower the battle, breaking the freeze. But the perfect balance will allow you to take advantage and control the lane.
The balance of minions is completely dependent on location. The closer to your tower the more enemy minions are needed to maintain the balance. In general, there should be 2-4 extra enemy minions. This number depends on exactly where the freeze is, and should match up with the diagram below.
Pro Tip: The cannon minions have more health and damage than melee or ranged minions. To maintain the perfect balance in your freeze, value them as equal to 4 melee or ranged minions.
Manipulating the Freeze for Ranking Up
When the freeze is set, the biggest threat to breaking it is the enemy champion. You will have two options here. The first is to match the minion damage of the enemy. To do this effectively, stay closely aware of their items and abilities so that they don’t do too much damage at once. But this can be unpredictable and difficult when facing champions who have insane wave clear.
Instead of battling it out to maintain balance, you can zone them out. Zoning is a complete topic in itself, but you can easily use it with lane freeze to manipulate the course of each game. By putting pressure on the enemy champions, and positioning yourself near the back end of the freeze, behind their minions, you will control the lane. While maintaining the freeze, this positioning will put them in a bad spot, if they try to pressure back they will risk getting ganked. If they play defensively, they will be too far from the battle to receive experience or gold. For you this means an amazing advantage.
By mastering the freeze and zoning the enemy from the battle, you gain an immediate advantage in the lane. If you maintain this long enough the enemy will miss out on so much gold and experience that they become useless. The game will then be 5V4 or even 5V3, if you zone out multiple champions. At this rate, you will be able to shift the course of every game, in favor of your teams victory. Implement this every game and you will win much more, die much less, and rank up much faster!